Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Why American Sports Fail pt 2 of 2

So onward with my rant...

Yesterday, i stated that the need for variety was the main killer of American sports. Today I'm going to continue with this theme, but aim it at the fans, and ESPN.

Every move is dissected in an English Soccer game, every sub, every call, every play. Even in the lower leagues, the fans in Europe are in tune with them.

You think that the die hard baseball fan that follows his team and his prospects that are in the minor leagues is a novelty here in the states. That person is obviously obsessed. But that person is actually a true fan. He cares about the future as well as the present.

We have so many options that we can't just dedicate ourselves to one team or even sport. This is even true with myself being from Sacramento and now living in Denver.

Think about this; here in Denver, i know people who call themselves die hard Bronco's fans but they probably think the John Elway is still the quarterback. This is because it takes no work to be a fan thanks to highlights, papers, youtube, espn....

I'm not saying that its wrong, I'm saying that there is more going on with these teams than what the local 9news sports anchor is telling you. In other countries the fans love the GAME, they love the play. Here in the states we love the status, we love to make people think we know a lot about sports, that we follow this team or that team, but we're not doing that.

We're equipping ourselves with the tools to convince other people that we are into the sport.

Why not actually be a fan? Where would you start?

If you don't get it, think about this. Are you the type of person that only listens to radio? watch MTV? There's so much music out there that you're missing. You're essentially letting some random DJ choose the music you like. You haven't made an original decision and the DJ is only making a decision based on dollar signs.

Once you put effort into the music scene, you find true artists, better quality music, stuff that isn't run by money and your hard work has paid off.

Same with sports

Do you hate Barry Bonds? Is Roger Clemens the best pitcher in baseball? Do you think Dirk Nowitzki or Steve Nash is the best NBA player?

These are headlines that you skim over and ultimately make as your own stand. But they're wrong. You have to dive deeper to know the truth, just like music, politics, theology...

Anyway, Americans will never be as devoted as other countries because we don't have to be, our players are paid more, companies not fans keep teams going, and the lack of knowledge about sport will always hinder American Leagues.


BMer's Dad said...

I've always been a diehard Warriors, oops Jazz fan. Is Rick Berry still their star?

Really, I like your comments. But you'll just have to put up with the bandwagon fans and hope you find enough true fans to have your discussions with.

For now, I'll only talk about NASCAR (until Gordon starts to lose)and the Browns(until they fall below 50%).

I'm a TRUE fan.

BMer916 said...

I totally agree about trying to find enough true fans to have discussions with, and i personally love my current circle of sports fan.

I think i'm just dissappointed with sports fans not thinking for themselves and being lead in directions that are wrong, case and point: Barry Bonds.

either way though, i guess this logic applies to all walks of life.

Go Brownies!