Monday, January 19, 2009

Promise to Myself

I'm been wanting to get "in shape" for a couple of years now, ideas come and go, but nothing really sticks. ever since having heart "surgery" I've felt like it's been tougher to hang with the youth like Noah and Travis, and frankly, its embarrassing. anyway, I've got a lot of tools at my disposal and I'm determined to shed some pounds.

Some people might think that I'm in fine shape, thanks for the sympathy, but I'm tired of the tunnel-vision i get after running 20 yards in soccer. My wife deserves a better looking and healthier husband, and i want to be able to keep up with Addie as she gets older (not to mention we're hopefully going on another Mexico vacation this year and i gotta look better than this).

Here's my 6-week plan, i vow to do these things, and update every Sunday. I'll start with my stats as of right now (Monday morning) and we'll see how it goes. i want to get to 165lbs if i can.

-No soda, fries or food after 9p (an occasional soda, but less than 2 a week)
-30 minutes on Wii Fit at least twice a week
-30 minutes on stationary bicycle at least 3 times a week

Current Stats
Weight: 173lbs
Blackout Tendency (scale 1-10): 8; i can play soccer/football for a little bit before my chest feels like its going to explode.

i know its not much, but i think its enough for me to drop a few pounds and feel better health-wise. if i do reach my goal I've promised myself a gift that I've wanted for a few years, and that I'm saving up for so that's my last bit of motivation.

if anyone else wants to join me, either in this setup or just in a weight-loss challenge i welcome the competition!


Daniel said...

Lets do it bro. I'll be following your updates, I'm sure you can do it. Once Heather feels a bit better, I'll be resuming my workout schedule as well.

Anonymous said...

okay....i'll join. barring any unexpected surgeries, i'll take part. I have a dr's appt tomorrow and I'll get my stats there so that they are official.

Rachel L. said...

Just eat things closer to their natural state like fruit, veggies without crazy sauce, give up mayo and don't drink calories. I bet that'd make a big difference.