Thursday, August 9, 2007

Racism in Sports

So i know that i'm often talking up European Soccer as something everyone could get into and should check out, but this latest run-in with racism makes me sick.

In America we have problems with issues like steroids, dog fighting, DUI's, crooked refs and paying college athletes. In Europe i'm sure they have some similar issues, but the one that sticks outs is racism. A lot of black athletes in Europe get taunted during game, FIFA and UEFA have done a lot in squashing this problem, but it still remains. It makes me sad to think that people still find this acceptable.

Maybe America will step up and do something as well considering the last incident involved American National player Demarcus Beasley.

if you're sick of reading about steroids, or ESPN's sympathy article for referee's (which I'm sorry, i have no sympathy for refs who make 6 digits to ref basketball for a career), or how Michael Vick's indictment is actually racist and not about dog-fighting, then read this article about Beasley and i think you'll see a real issue, one that everyone can agree on, everyone is on the same side when it comes to racism, that it's wrong.

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